Dean of Academics' Message
Greeting to all!
I am privileged to be given this chance to write as the dean of academics. First of all, let me express my gratitude to you, Parents and Guardians, for trusting Dian Kasih to enducat your child and for supporting your child's education in all means throughout the year. Thank you, Teacher and Staff for your endless contribution to provide our students with excellent learning opportunities. Last but not least, thank you, Students, for working diligently and facing challenges with a positive attitude. You are all winners!
The teachers and staff of this school have worked hard, hand in hand to fulfill the student's needs and provide them with holistic education which enable them to develop their own potential. We have the vision and the mission of this school in our heart and always keep the students at the heart of our decisions. We dedicated this school for His glory and His kingdom. This school was nothing, but God make it into something.
Indeed school is a place where children get knowledge, but what really matters? Getting good grades, developing talents and abilities are all valuable and commendable, but they are not the most important thing. For me, what's really important is that we keep perpective and know the things that make life truly worth while. I wish for all Dian Kasih students that you will love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbors as you love yourself. If you keep this golden rule, all the rest will follow and for sure you will be the wonderful person God intended you to be.
I leave you with this quote: "In response to those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, I say keep dreaming and make reality." (Kristían Kan)
The teachers and staff of this school have worked hard, hand in hand to fulfill the student's needs and provide them with holistic education which enable them to develop their own potential. We have the vision and the mission of this school in our heart and always keep the students at the heart of our decisions. We dedicated this school for His glory and His kingdom. This school was nothing, but God make it into something.
Indeed school is a place where children get knowledge, but what really matters? Getting good grades, developing talents and abilities are all valuable and commendable, but they are not the most important thing. For me, what's really important is that we keep perpective and know the things that make life truly worth while. I wish for all Dian Kasih students that you will love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbors as you love yourself. If you keep this golden rule, all the rest will follow and for sure you will be the wonderful person God intended you to be.
I leave you with this quote: "In response to those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, I say keep dreaming and make reality." (Kristían Kan)

I Wayan Tjatra, Ph.D
Dean of Academics
We envision to produce students with Faith, Character and Intellect based on Christian values.
"Menjadikan lembaga pendidikan Kristen yang menghasilkan pribadi yang memiliki Iman, Karakter dan Intelektual"
We envision to produce students with Faith, Character and Intellect based on Christian values.
"Menjadikan lembaga pendidikan Kristen yang menghasilkan pribadi yang memiliki Iman, Karakter dan Intelektual"
We develop students utmost potentials through quality Christian education.
"Mengembankan seluruh potensi peserta didik secara optimal pendidikan dan pengajaran berkualitas dalam terang Kasih Kristus"
Dian Kasih is a "One Stop" learning Christian School that develop students.

We train Children to have reverence toward God and toward those God has placed in position of authority and to have a biblical sense of right wrong

we provide sound knowledge and service-oriented leadership experiencees through our programs where they learn dicipline, life values and character

We provides an American Curriculum without going overseas. We use a long-proven curriculum combined with the goverment requirements

Children are exposed to their obligations in the community through different outreach programs